Fly tipping residents and traders who treat High Street ward like a dustbin have been warned they face huge fines and up to five years in prison when they are caught.
Efforts to clean up the Borough are being undermined by people dumping rubbish on our streets, and Cllrs James O’Rourke and Johar Khan has called for High Street residents’ help.
Cllrs James O’Rourke and Johar Khan said:
“If you have any information about fly-tippers please let us know. Our local area is being plagued by illegal fly tipping”.
Residents can help dispose of their rubbish responsibly
* Every household can have three bulky waste collections every year. Just contact the Council to have your rubbish collected from your doorstep.
* Take your larger waste to a household recycling centre near you
* The Council can provide more black recycling boxes — go online to order them!
* Fly tipping is a crime — Report it!
You can contact the Council to report fly tipping or to find out how to dispose of your waste responsibly on 020 8496 3000.