Hale End councillor Nick Bason has updated residents on the latest news regarding the proposed Tesco development in Highams Park.
Nick notes a number of conflicting reports about the proposals.
Nick continues:
“The issue was raised again at the South Chingford Community Council meeting on Monday 13 July.
“Your Lib Dem councillors have been in frequent contact with planning officers on the proposals. The situation as of Wednesday 15 July is this:
- The planning application will NOT go to Planning Committee in July, as reported in the press. It is tentatively scheduled in to go to Planning Committee in September.
- A number of different aspects of the plan are still being discussed. Images of the associated housing development on the site circulated in late June are out of date. The design is still being finalised.
- Issues about local traffic are also still being discussed with officers.
“Your Lib Dem Focus Team will keep you updated on the proposals. Views at the South Chingford Community Council among residents remains mixed – some in favour, some not. The decision of Planning Committee will be solely on the application submitted, not on previous applications.”
Nick Bason, Sheila Smith-Pryor and Jane Morgan – the Hale and Higham councillor team – would be happy to hear your views on the development – you can submit them via Cllr Bason’s website.
I know the Planning Committee are meeting this week with regard to this planning application and i feel I need to send the following rant! As long time residents in the Ropers Avenue end of Underwood Road we are victims of the rediculous ‘rat run’ which comes through to Chingford Mount from Larkshall Road. There are times when traffic comes to a complete standstill at Inks Green and we are blocked from getting to our own house. Apart from the overload on the roads (12 delivery lorries a day????Going to be fun when they meet a bus coming the other way), increased car activity, increased vandalism because the local yob factor will now have a cosy car park to play in and the overload on local schools, dentists, doctors because of increased numbers of residents where is this increased quality of life bully boy Tesco think we are going to get? Why are they so intent on ruining the trees and the quality of life in what is basically a crossroads of a small village? When will the council actually listen to the people who are paying for the upkeep of the local area with their rates and tell bully boy Tesco to make their current stores in the area bigger rather than ruin another part of London in their quest to make even more money. I for one will never shop in Tesco again and I wish more people would do that so they might get the message. We have brought Iian Duncan Smith and Boris in on this but they seem to be helpless to stop the juggernaut. Time for the policitical parties in the area to show they do have some power???
Alex Phipps Cambs Times
Please see cambs times friday 6th Nov front page story Alex Phipps
Tesco Bullies are making life very unhappy for me and the older people of whittlesey that are in the line of the new proposed store, they will stop at nothing in their greed and bullish ways!