In response to residents’ concerns Labour Cabinet members have suggested that proceeds from selling the former St James Street Library will be used to house the Drugs Action Team in another building.
Cllrs Ali and Robbins told High Street residents that they do not wish to raise expectations by meeting them as it is still their intention to sell the former library because they need to raise funds to find an appropriate property for the drug centre.
Lib Dem High St councillor James O’Rourke said:
“Cllrs Ali and Robbins seem to be suggesting that the proceeds from the sale of this building, which has had no previous link to a drug service, will be ringfenced to provide a drugs service. What has happened to the £350,000 PCT monies?”
“My understanding of selling council owned property is that the proceeds from a sale go into the corporate pot. The capital bidding process then allocates funds to projects from the known available receipts. I am not aware of such a capital bid. Cllrs Ali and Robbins’ assertions that proceeds will be ringfenced shows their total ignoranance of the Councils policies and a total disregard for High Street residents.”