Waltham Forest Liberal Democrats are to ask the Council to support resident proposals for the reopening of local Post Office branches.
Local Lib Dem councillors have been approached by residents keen to see the reopening of branches axed under the Government’s Post Office closure programme and will request at Thursday’s Full Council meeting that the Portfolio Holder for Enterprise and Investment, Labour member Terry Wheeler, meets formally with local resident groups to hear proposals to reopen local branches using private investment.
Local Lib Dem Cllr John Macklin said that he hoped councillors from all sides would take the opportunity to show local businesses and Post Office users that the Council was “on their side”.
Cllr Macklin continued:
“From an economic point of view, the closure of local Post Offices couldn’t have come at a worse time. The presence of a Post Office brings people to an area, benefiting neighbouring businesses.
“Residents didn’t want their Post Offices to be closed, but have had that decision forced upon them. If we as a Council are able to give practical support to efforts to have them reopened, then surely that is something that we should be keen to support.
“The efforts of residents and local businesses to get their Post Offices back are exactly the kind of entrepreneurial proposals that we should be supporting at a time when fresh thinking by small businesses is sorely needed.”