Walthamstow Greyhound Stadium – update

On Tuesday 8th May, Waltham Forest council’s Planning Committee approved planning application to demolish the much loved Greyhound stadium to make way for a housing development. The decision by the four Labour members was met with fierce opposition from the campaigners and the local residents (1 Liberal and 2 Tory Councillors opposed the plans).

Waltham Forest Liberal Democrats have written to London Mayor Boris Johnson, urging him to reject the application. Two local MP’s, along with Mr Johnson, are in favour of keeping the iconic dog track in the heart of Waltham Forest.

Council Officers and Councillors investigated in dog track involvement!

Along with many people Councillor Bob Sullivan received the email below outlining a potted history of what has been going on with the defunct Walthamstow Greyhound track. As you can see there is a lot of alleged communication with London and Quadrant and Council officers and Councillors. Councillor Sullivan has asked the Council’s Chief Executive to investigate the implications of the Councils officers and Cabinet members in this affair. He has replied that he has put this into the hands of the Council’s Monitoring Officer to investigate.

Email received – ‘Walthamstow Stadium’s ‘Shocking Story’ to date!

1. The previous owners (Chandler Family) were nearing retirement age and deliberately run down the stadium in order to obtain change of use from leisure to housing as they know that’s how they can obtain optimum selling price. They filter their profits in to their own personal pension funds and do not offer the stadium for sale to the greyhound racing industry. This is part of a calculated plan to make it look as though the business is not viable when the truth is the complete opposite. Commercial builders decline to buy as they know they could not make money on the site.

2. L&Q offered encouragement by Waltham Forest Council to buy Walthamstow Stadium (confirmed by Mike Johnson, L&Q Director) presumably on the understanding that the planning application will be dealt with sympathetically (L&Q huge contractors at Waltham Forest). This in itself is completely inappropriate.

3. L&Q buy the site, not undertaking correct due diligence and paying multi millions too much of part public money for the site (£18.1M for a viable greyhound stadium).

4. L&Q in pre planning discussions with LBWF planning department as far back as May 2007 and acquire an option to buy the site in July 2007. Five months later, Chandler family publicly state that no intention to sell resulting in trainers taking out mortgages for training premises etc. Spring 2008 announcement of sale, track closes August 2008, making 500 people unemployed.

5. L&Q embark on a series of lies and deception, suggesting that a planning application will be submitted to LBWF as early as Autumn 2008 and later calling local MPs Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith and Stella Creasy bullies (later withdrawn with apology). These are mere examples and show the unfit behaviour of the RSL.

6. L&Q realise they’ve paid too much for the site but still quite happy because they know they have LBWF on side. Examples below from our FOI request which clearly demonstrates an inappropriate relationship :

>>> Simon Baxter <SBaxter@lqgroup.org.uk> 14/07/2011 09:31 >>>
Have you gleaned any more intelligence in respect of this situation?
Simon Baxter

(e mail from Simon Baxter L&Q to David Scourfield- Head of Development Management and Building Control LBWF regarding another local site).

From: Simon Baxter
Sent: 08 July 2011 17:32
To: ‘David Scourfield’
Subject: RE: Walton House – Meeting with Cllr Jemma Hemsted – 01/07/2011
Thanks for getting back to me.
I do think that a protracted delay could actually create more unwarranted attention than the scheme being heard at committee sooner, ie in August, for the reasons set out in my earlier note.

(e mail from Simon Baxter L&Q to David Scourfield- Head of Development Management and Building Control LBWF regarding another local site).

E mail chain-Bob Morton to Mike Johnson (L&Q) to Fred Keegan (L&Q) to Steve Yianni (L&Q) to Councillor Marie Pye (Housing LBWF)-Bob Morton’s financial costs sent to L&Q then forwarded to Councillor Pye without Mr Morton’s knowledge or agreement.

Email from Councillor M Pye to Steve Yianni L&Q 12/6/11: ˜Checking if we got anything or any approach from Bob. If not we will issue a statement. Have you asked to meet Boris yet? M. (shows non-neutrality)

E mail from Councillor M Pye to David Scourfield, Shifa Mustafa (LBWF) 12/6/11:

˜Has Bob entered into pre app discussions? Has he even approached us? If not we need a short statement making this clear to go to cllrs, lq and wfguardian and the yellow. David can you please work with Alex to draft something for me to agree by the end of Tues M (shows non-neutrality)

E mail from Councillor Terry Wheeler to Council Leader Chris Robbins, Cllr Pye, Stuart Emmerson 7/1/2010:

…˜Whilst it is not a planning matter they (L&Q) should for reputational reasons respond explain why they cannot respond to proposals to preserve the Greyhound Stadium (shows non-neutrality).

E mail from Steve Yianni to Councillor Pye 19/11/2010:

˜ Also we were approached by 2 of the ward councillors about our plans…However I think we just about managed to convince them that it was not viable… (shows non-neutrality).

7. SOS announce that L&Q’s scheme will make huge losses (£27m plus). LBWF agree with L&Q that this fact can remain hidden in the planning application (first time in history) that is eventually submitted (Autumn 2011). Boris Johnson makes clear that this must be disclosed but, as of now, this has not happened.

8. An agreement has seemingly been reached for L&Q to compensate the LPA for the loss of leisure facilities at Walthamstow Stadium by a £1.75m contribution to be used at a nearby Pool and Track facility. Firstly this is an admission that there is insufficient leisure being offered at the Walthamstow Stadium site which should be considered on its own merits. In any event £1.75m is completely inadequate and inappropriate in terms of quantum and function. The pool and track facility is a completely different form of leisure and in no way replaces the Stadium which brought hundreds of thousands of visitors each year from both the Borough and indeed from all round the world.

9. GLA and English Heritage criticise L&Q’s plans and their hastily withdrawn for revision. The land-banking of the site which is now over 3 years continues with no end in sight.

10. Council want the Stow site removed from the local heritage site list to make it easier for L&Q to obtain planning permission. When found out this idea is abandoned.

11. What is known for sure is that the local people simply do not want what L&Q are offering and it is morally corrupt to waste £27m plus of part public money to bail out L&Q when Bob Morton is ready and willing to invest his own private money in this Borough to create the jobs and entertainment venue that this Borough deserves. It is currently a farce with L&Q and LBWF working together to hide the economic reality and to push through L&Q’s deeply unpopular plans.

13. Throughout this tale of public disgrace the two local MPs Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith and Stella Creasy have shone as individuals of courage and integrity. SOS and our resident association partners applaud both individuals and only wish others would match their high standards.

14.We await the next chapter……


Best Kept Front Garden Award competition for the Council’s next ‘Love your Borough Awards (2012)’ is now open.

If you have a front garden that you are proud of, or know a neighbour who does, then why not enter and have a go at winning. You can enter your own, or a neighbour’s, front garden or balcony.

To apply please send a photo and address of the front garden or balcony you are entering to:

or you can apply online at:


Closing date is 31st July 2011

Report on Library Service

The Liberal Democrat were shocked to see that a report on the Library Service, due to be presented to the Cabinet on 14 June, includes the proposal to close both Harrow Green and South Chingford Libraries.

The report recommends that Leytonstone, Leyton, Walthamstow and North Chingford be designated Library Plus branches – open 7 days a week and offering some additional services that were previously available in the Waltham Forest Direct shops.

While Hale End, Higham Hill, Wood Street and Lea Bridge will become Library Local branches, open for 30 hours a week.

Providing that this report is agreed by the Cabinet there is expected to be a 12-week consultation period between June and September.

Whatever your views the Liberal Democrats urge you to respond to the consultation to make sure that the Council has the fullest possible picture of the feelings of local residents.

It is understood that a further report, taking into account the consultation, will be submitted to the Cabinet in October.

Make your voice heard!

Waltham Forest Direct (WFD) Shops Closing

Leytonstone WFD - one of 3 closing before the end of August

The Liberal Democrat Council Group put foward a proposal at the Council’s budget setting meeting which would have protected the continued funding of all four Waltham Forest Direct shops. Regrettably this was voted down.

At their meeting on 11th May, the Labour Cabinet has approved plans to close the Waltham Forest Direct (WFD) shops in Leyton, Leytonstone and Chingford. They will be closed by the end of August.

It is understood that there may be plans to offer some services at local libraries instead. Although details have yet to released – we will update the information as it becomes available.

The only WFD shop to remain is in Walthamstow, which the Council say is a central location in the borough.

GOOD NEWS – our fire engines to be returned

Following local campaigns and a Lib Dem motion to Council urging the return of our fire engines,  we have heard that London Fire Brigade has finally decided to return the two fire engines that were taken from Leyton and Chingford.

They were taken away last year, along with another 25 fire engines across London to cover for the possibility of industrial action by the Fire Unions.
Last Friday the Unions came to an agreement with the Fire Brigade so the engines should be returned.

This is good news for local residents whose safety could have been put at risk.

Halt Conservative plans to cut Waltham Forest’s fire service, say Lib Dems

Local Liberal Democrat councillors have called for Conservative Mayor Boris Johnson and Conservative councillors on the London Fire Emergency and Planning authority (LFEPA) to reverse a proposal to permanently remove a fire engine from Leyton Fire Station.

The cuts threat was made by LFEPA’s Conservative chairman earlier this week when he called for the Fire Brigade to look at saving money by making permanent the temporary reductions in fire cover during the recent strikes.  It could see 27 of London’s 169 fire engines scrapped and around 500 fire fighter jobs lost. The proposal was backed by Conservative members of the authority.

Leyton Lib Dem councillor Winnie Smith said:

It is shocking that the Conservatives are now looking at permanent cuts to the number of fire engines protecting Leyton resident. This inevitably raises questions about the time it takes for engines can get to fires and accidents and about cover if the remaining engine is unavailable. Like all public services London Fire Brigade needs to save money.  But Mayor Boris Johnson has promised that there will be no cuts in frontline fire services and he must honour that promise.

Waltham Forest Lib Dems have also expressed concern about the removal of a fire engine from Chingford Fire Station.

At the 8th November finance committee of LFEPA Conservative Chairman Brian Coleman proposed an amendment to ask officers to report on whether there was a supposed oversupply of fire engines, which could be cut back.  The amendment was passed with the support of all Conservative members voting for the amendment. Cllr Terry Stacy, the Liberal Democrat member on the committee, voted against the amendment.

Ward Forums not fit for purpose says Lib Dem Leader

Ward Forums will not be fit substitutes for Community Councils unless changes are made to Labour’s proposals, say local Liberal Democrats.

It is clear that Labour is trying to muzzle the voice of the local community and avoid the challenge of having to justify their policies and proposals to residents in public.

said Liberal Democrat Leader Bob Sullivan.

A ward forum appears to be little more than a fancily titled ward surgery, which all good councillors do regularly anyway. Ward Forums ill not be subject to the same legal requirements at Community Councils so they will have no decision-making powers and can be more ecretive in how they work. Labour also proposes that they should meet less often and have very little support from council officers.

Cllr Sullivan also pointed out that most wards do not represent natural communities with some ward boundaries running arbitrarily through areas which share common interests.

One ward boundary runs straight through the middle of Lloyd Park. Issues relating to Walthamstow High Street are relevant to all Walthamstow residents, not ust those who live in High Street ward.

If the Labour Party is still interested in what the community want to talk about then why not reduce the current six community councils to hree that represent Chingford, Walthamstow and Leyton/Leytonstone. The majority of people do not relate to ward boundaries but they do elate to these areas.  This would not only make a financial saving ut continue to give a voice to the borough’s residents.

Lib Dems Support Save Our Stow Campaign

Since the closure of the iconic dog track and Walthamstow landmark Waltham Forest Liberal Democrats have supported the Save Our Stow plans to retain and update the stadium to provide a modern greyhound-racing venue whilst using part of the land around the site for development in order to provide housing.  Liberal Democrats welcome this proposal which is in line with the trend for mixed leisure and housing developments used at many modern sports venues.

Waltham Forest Liberal Democrat Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr John Macklin, said:

“Whilst we’re acutely aware that Waltham Forest needs affordable houses it must not be at the expense of what little lesuire facilities we have left. We have lost too many leisure facilities in this borough and despite promises no worthwhile developments have taken place.”

Cllr Macklin added: “I am unhappy that this development is being proposed when I have worked so hard with the Save our Stow campaigners to get London and Quadrant to talk to a group that want to develop the site so that dog racing may return.”

“I had hoped that a suitable bid from those interested in opening this site for dog racing could be bought forward and I want these proposals delayed.”

Cllr Bob Belam also raised concerns saying: “We seem to be bringing plans forward for more houses without thinking about our need for infrastructure such as schools and medical facilities. Not far from the Dog Track we are faced with the loss of another facility with plans to close the Pool and Track with plans to build more houses”

Cllr John Macklin concluded: “We must ensure Waltham Forest does not build a mass of housing with no amenities or heritage. The success of our leisure venues is an integral part of building a sustainable community in Waltham Forest and ensuring that we are attractive to both our residents and visitors. There is no long-term sustainability in forcing residents out of the borough to spend their leisure time.”

‘A double whammy for Londoners’ – Lib Dems hit out at Labour Freedom Pass plan

Caroline Pidgeon AMCaroline Pidgeon, the Liberal Democrat London Assembly Transport Spokesperson and Chair of the London Assembly Transport Committee, has condemned Labour government proposals to rob funding for London’s Freedom pass.

Commenting on the Department of Transport’s new consultation on the national bus concession in England, which proposes to remove almost £29 million of funding for London’s Freedom Pass, Caroline said:

“After Boris Johnson’s decision to hike bus fares by 20% Londoners now face a double whammy with this savage cut in funding for the Freedom Pass. 

“London is the only major city in the country to be hit by these Government proposals.   Hard up London council taxpayers, who are already facing a steep rise in fares, will now have to pay even more in their council tax to maintain London’s Freedom Pass.”

“This is an outrageous proposal by the Labour Government who are insulting London’s pensioners, disabled people, as well as council taxpayers across the capital.”