Nick Bason and Jane Morgan – Q&A

Newly elected Hale End and Highams Park councillors Jane Morgan and Nick BasonThis week’s Waltham Forest Guardian features coverage of the Lib dems fantastic double victory in Hale End and Highams Park last week.

Included in that coverage is a short Q&A sesssion where our two new councillors, Nick Bason and Jane Morgan, answer questions posed by the Guardian on their political influences and their plans for the ward and borough.

Here are the unedited versions of their responses:

1) What inspired you to become a politician?

NICK BASON:  I grew up in a council flat in North London but we didn’t really discuss politics in my house when I was growing up. I ended up studying politics at University. It really struck me that a lot of people where I grew up used a lot of public services but didn’t feel any connection with those who were running either the local or national government. I wanted to get involved and hopefully try and change that.

JANE MORGAN:  My father was the first Liberal (in those days no democrat part to it!) to become a councillor of our hometown of Sittingbourne in Kent. He worked tirelessly for his ward constituents and even as a child I was involved or was a spectator. I watched politics in action, i.e. an elected person really working for the people. I want to help people and my political background must have something to do with this!

2) Who is your most inspiring person (dead or alive)?

NB:  I’m going to say one of my teachers from college who challenged and inspired me to really push myself to get into to university, which was an amazing opportunity for me. I’m also into music and I get inspiration from bands who don’t compromise their ideals even when to do so might mean more commercial success, because they believe in themselves and what they’re trying to do. I take a lot of inspiration from that attitude.

JM:  I suppose it should be Nelson Mandela but really my influence must be my father because I saw action and service at the grass roots. Using his office he was able to make people’s life better.

3) What is great about Waltham Forest?

NB:  Waltham Forest is a dynamic and exciting borough. There’s a buzz about the place, and when I was campaigning for the election I spoke to a lot of people that were really passionate about their area. It feels like a borough that is in a state of change, and I think that is a real opportunity. I go out a lot in Waltham Forest and I love that there’s a variety of things to do, from strolling through Epping Forest to the Leyton nightlife.

JM:  Waltham Forest, aesthetically speaking, is a very beautiful borough with much history and lovely buildings with which I am glad to be associated. It has a very diverse population which makes our lives interesting.

4) If you could create one new piece of legislation, what would it be?

NB:  I think the benefits system is overly complex and creates barriers to things like training, employment and volunteer work for a lot of people, such as lone parents and carers or disabled people. At the moment it reinforces social division. So I’d like to tackle that. I’m really glad that MPs are starting to look at how to make parliament more accessible to a range of people – that is well overdue. A lot of people feel so disconnected to how they are governed – they look at parliament and don’t see anyone there like them. I’ve also got ideas about making higher education more open to kids from state schools, and delivery of health services…there’s lots to do!

JM:  Not sure about the legislation but I would certainly like the William Morris Gallery to attract national funding, simply because it is a national treasure.

5) If you could achieve just one thing while councillor of Hale End & Highams Park ward, what would it be?

NB:  I want to continue the open communication with residents all year round. If politicians only come round at election time, residents notice and mistrust that. I want to be a councillor that talks to the residents and is open about issues and decisions taken. There are tricky decisions to be taken and, even if someone doesn’t agree with what I’ve done, if I can communicate and explain why I’ve done it, hopefully people will appreciate that. I think we’ve got a great team of councillors in Hale End & Highams Park and I want us to do the area proud.

JM:  I want to continue, through the Focus newsletters, to make all people in Hale End and Highams Park feel part of the decision making processes especially regarding our ward.


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