Today the Conservative chancellor slipped his way out AGAIN of making clear that the £3.5bn of ‘efficiency savings’ are in fact another £3.5bn of cuts.

This means less money for our children’s centres, less money for our libraries and less funds for fixing our crumbling roads.

It is that simple but Osborne is ducking the truth.

The Chancellor is choosing to pursue the idea of austerity, at the expense of our services and our community.

He says we must trust he is making the right decisions, but he is risking the future of many local services that we all rely on.

The last time we trusted George to make the right decision, he chose to cut benefits for the disabled by £30 a week and give tax breaks to higher earners!

His priorities are wrong. His plan is not working. Only the Lib Dems are providing the real opposition this country needs after another abysmal Tory budget.

If you oppose the Conservative budget, hitting the vulnerable whilst giving tax cuts to the wealthy, it is time to become a Liberal Democrat – and join Britain’s only real opposition.

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